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Monday, October 8, 2007

The Air Force Relay Marathon

Well, We did it. Jonathan, Laura, my mother, and I all ran our relay marathon. We ran it in 4 hours and 30 minutes. It was such a blast!! We trained for a couple of months together. Mom was the anchor in keeping us going and preparing for it. We were so proud of her. She ran 5 miles!! She hasn't been able to walk that far let alone run in years and years due to her heart complications. I ran the second shortest length 6.3 miles. However, that was alos no small feat. I had to train a lot to do that since grad school has sucked me dry of all energy and opportunity to work out. Since the marathon that has changed. I work out 2-3 times a week and am feeling really good right now. It has actually helped me in school and keep priorities where they need to be. back to the marathon.... The best thing about it was since that since I was the third leg of the race and had to wait two hours or so to start. While I was waiting I was able to see my Dad, Eliza, and Mary all running together and run with them for a little bit. It was motivating to see how happy they were. They all ran the full length marathon. Maybe one day I will be able to run one with Dad. I don't want to be the only kid who doesn't do it. I learned that if you train consistently you can prepare yourself. That is what happened with me.
Hopefully, one of these days, I will find a picture of just me and Jonathan. Until then, the picture of all of us will have to do!!


Erin said...

I am so amazed by your family! how did you train? I want to start doing that, but I'm not a runner and don't even know where to start! Quite the amazing family...seriously it makes me more motivated!

Abby said...

There is a really good book for first time marathon runners. I will have to ask my sister for the reference. The best advice I have is to just do it. Go out and run for ten minutes. Then increase it everyday after that. Run for 10, walk for 5, run for another 10, walk for another 5. 20/5 repeat, 30/5 reapeat, 35/5 reapeat, and then you will see that you can run for an hour and just start making miles for yourself. For example I started out at run 20/ walk 5. Then I increased it every week. There are other programs online you can check out as well for shorter distances. That seemed to work for me. Gradually increasing my time.

Megan said...

Wow Abs, Congratulations!! You are so cute, you need to keep posting more pictures! Jackson is soo cute! It's good to hear you well. How's Jonathan? We haven't talked in forever. We will be in Michigan from the 22nd to the 2nd, hope I get to see you guys! Love your guts and miss you so much

Megan said...

We changed our website... :) it is now... Just wanted to let you know.