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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Boring Blog

So, I am officially finished with school. I say official because I don't have to go to class anymore and hopefully don't have to retake any qualifying exams. All i have left is a semester of working with little kids at the Detroit Children's hospital. I am starting tomorrow and am very excited. I have realized for some time now that my blog was boring. I never have anything interesting to write...however, although my posts may be pictureless or boring I am going to try and be better this year. There is no reason not to post...I check Google reader every day to see what everyone else has to say. I can take a minute to say something. Wish me luck!


Tim & Alicia said...

YEah for yoU! How fun to be working with a bunch of cute littles all the time and not have to go to class! Did you get the instructions from Erin to change your template? Maybe if you do something fun, then you'll be more inspired to write on it. I want to hear what you have to say!
Seriously, Ellia has been saying bubububububububu a ton, started yesterday. She's trying hard to get those raspberry's going.

Tim & Alicia said...

I'm doing my best to help you out... so I'm taggin' you again. Maybe I'll make you a template too... Ellia is a raspberry pro now, the spit is flying everywhere! What should we look for next?